Catholic Knighthood started in the middle ages with Catholics forming themselves into small armies to escort Christian Pilgrims to and from the Holy Land.
St. Mulumba, Nigeria
The structure of the Order consists of the Supreme Council, the Metropolitan Councils and the Subordinate Councils in the descending order of authority.
The Order of the Knights of St. Mulumba (KSM) was established in Nigeria on June 14, 1953 by Late Reverend Father Abraham Anselm Isidahome Ojefua; a Priest and Monk from Illah Monastery in present day Delta state

Only practicing catholic men and their wives are admitted. Membership spans all cadres of professionals such as Government Administrative Officers, Teachers, Lawyers, Businessmen, Professors, Engineers, Bankers, Doctors and other professionals in all strata of the economy.
Knights of Saint Mulumba, Nigeria
Working towards a high sense of order and discipline within society.
Co-operating with other Christian denominations and persons of goodwill without compromising Catholic Doctrines and principles.
Being sensitive to the needs of the poor and giving succour to the destitute, the disadvantaged and the oppressed in the society.
Trusting in God always rather than in man or material possessions.
Working for justice always and everywhere for the benefit of mankind.
Living an exemplary catholic life, defending the Catholic faith and loving one’s neighbour, as oneself.
See comprehensive details of all Executives and corresponding ranks
Metro Councils
See date of Inauguration & Contact Details of all Metro Council Members
See names and year of Inauguration of all Sub Council zones

Ladies of St Mulumba (LSM)

The Order outside Nigeria

Life of Rev. Father Abraham Anselm Isidahome Ojefua
The KSM Nigeria Anthem
Mathias Kalemba, dear Saint Mulumba
Brave Champion of faith for all Africa
Our Patron art thou do pray for your Knights
Your faith and courage to emulate.
With four limbs chopped off, you still derided
And strongly disdained satanic fury
You lingered limbless Thursday thro’ Sunday
To God your soul then commended.
Katonda Katonda, to you oh my God
This day now I come, from torture and pain
Grant everlasting and blissful reward
For death is the only gate to life eternal.
Dear Patron Saint Mulumba, nurture Nigeria
Christ’s banner to raise and charity spread
From sapling to Iroko our faith shall grow
May we evangelize more by deeds than mere words, Amen.